
What are your delivery times?

If you order a cutting/serving board from our online store, you can expect to receive your item within 5 business days. When ordering a custom table, you can expect a 6 - 10 week turnaround time depending on the specific needs of the build.

How much will shipping cost?

All online stores orders include free shipping. Custom tables orders will be dependent on the total weight of the table.

Can you provide worldwide shipping?

We ship to the lower 48 states in the US

My Order

How can I cancel my order?

Reach out to our support team ( and our team will walk you through the returning steps.

What if I receive the wrong product?

Reach out to our support team ( and our team will walk you through the returning steps. We want to ensure you get what you have ordered.

Do you offer exchanges for faulty items?

Yes we do, as long as the item was faulty upon receiving.


How do I return my product?

Add the content to appear when the accordion is opened

How do I care for my product?

We reccommend using water to wipe/wash everything down with a micro fiber towel. Once fully wiped down, you can use a paper towel with any food safe oil and rub down your custting, serving, or table.

Do you offer extended warranties?

For our tables, we do offer an extended warranty. That will be an option through the custom order process.
